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It's all about the hidden desires of your customer's brain!

Neuro-Selling: Base your success on the secret insights of Brain Science

If you are involved in selling you may have heard about the hype regarding the customer‘s brain. You may also be aware of different approaches you can use in order to exploit customer’s brain mechanisms to make selling much easier. It is definitely true that this knowledge, about the emotional brain in particular, can be very helpful in reaching your sales objectives. Nevertheless, many of your potential customers have heard about this as well and are much better prepared to resist brain-based techniques today.

What really matters when you want to use insights from Brain Science to improve your sales performance? First of all, the sales business is that of a relationship with three main components involved: YOU – YOUR CUSTOMER – YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE. Because your customer’s decision is mostly an emotional one, your focus should be on their unconscious programs and how you can discover which ones are active in the context of buying your product/ service. In order to buy, it is not sufficient that potential customers like your offer, they have to WANT it. This is what Neuro-Selling is about: to find out the brain’s triggers behind their needs and then to provide them with the information necessary so that they are eager to buy from you. This is one of the core secrets of successful selling. You can learn how to do all this in my courses or one-on-one sessions.

What you will learn:


  • No emotions, no sale – Emotions as the essential key to successful selling

  • Selling with the brain in mind – Both how the brain evaluates you personally and also what you have to offer

  • Your customer's motivational factors – The seven essential basic needs that are responsible for more than 90% of one’s actions (including buying decisions)!

  • How you find out which basic needs really matter to your customers and how to serve them

  • How to determine the emotional components of your products/services that extraordinarily increase your chance of selling (Emotional Positioning)

  • How to use a handful of questions to learn about your prospect’s most vital needs that govern their buying decisons

  • Why good arguments and product features fail – The brain’s reasons for not buying from you

  • From Liking to Wanting – How to create your sales process based on your prospect’s reward mechanism in order to close the deal

  • How you beat your prospect’s innate risk-aversion

  • The small hidden brain secrets that can tip the scales in your favor

  • Know yourself – the key to using all your sales tools successfully

  • …and much, much more, based on your needs and requirements

Neuro-Selling is a very interesting approach for sales people as well as for leaders. They have looked for answers to questions you might be interested in as well:

Do you want to ...

… gain a real advantage that makes you unbeatable as a sales professional?

… win over even the most critical prospective customers?

… become your company’s most thriving sales person: one who is highly valued by the customers?

… get to the heart of your prospective customer’s secret motivations and let them work for you?

… grasp what your customers really want in the blink of an eye?

... ask the right questions to find out the real triggers behind the desires of your customers?

... discover what the irresistible emotional messages of your products/services really are?


If you want to learn more secrets about selling with the brain in mind, these comprehensive Neuro-Selling insights might be the right approach for you. In today’s competitive environment, small advantages very often have a big impact on results. If you belong to this exclusive group of highly dedicated people who want to be the difference and always strive for the best, then this know-how will really thrill you. Don’t hesitate, but grab this unique opportunity to get the advantage over your competitors that you have always been looking for.

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